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Dr. Alpana Mohta Ranka, MD, DNB, IFAAD, is a triple-board-certified dermatologist with over 100 research publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals.


Calcium Pantothenate for Grey Hair - Dermatologist Explains

Updated: Feb 28

If you've been pondering the mysteries of greying hair and searching for ways to maintain your luscious locks, you might have come across a lesser-known hero– Calcium Pantothenate.

In this article, we'll dive into the world of Calcium Pantothenate, exploring its uses, benefits, dosage, potential side effects, and more.

Black and Grey Hair

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What is Calcium Pantothenate?

Calcium Pantothenate, a dietary supplement, is often hailed as a secret weapon against a multitude of health issues. It is a derivative of Pantothenic Acid, a B vitamin more commonly known as Vitamin B5.

While it plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, we'll focus on its significance in maintaining healthy hair.

Calcium Pantothenate shines as a remedy for hair-related concerns, primarily the premature greying of hair. But before we discuss how this vitamin helps with hair greying, first, we need to understand why hair turns grey.

Why Does Hair Turn Grey?

Often the greying of hair starts around the age of 25-30 years. The greying process varies among ethnicities, with Caucasians typically experiencing it earlier than Western Asians and African Americans. Genetic factors play a significant role, with the "50-50-50 rule" suggesting that approximately 50% of the population will have around 50% grey hair by the age of 50.

However, there are various causes that can make people prone to developing hair greying prematurely before the age of 25 years. These include:

1. Thyroid Disorders and Stress

Hormonal imbalances resulting from thyroid disorders, whether hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, can contribute to premature greying. Stress, particularly chronic stress, has been linked to the depletion of stem cells in hair follicles, reducing the ability to produce pigment cells.

2. Vitamins and Micronutrients

Nutritional deficiencies, such as low levels of Vitamin B5, B6, B12, and vitamin D, have been associated with hair pigment loss.

3. Medications and Chemical Exposure

Medications like Chloroquine (used for treating malaria) have been known to induce hair greying by inhibiting melanin production. Smoking and exposure to environmental toxins can also accelerate the greying process.

4. Other Conditions

Conditions such as HIV infection, Cystic fibrosis, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and various autoimmune disorders can lead to premature greying.

What is Calcium Pantothenate Used For?

1. Calcium Pantothenate Uses for Hair

When the body lacks Vitamin B5, hair can lose its luster and color prematurely. Calcium Pantothenate steps in to fill this deficiency, potentially slowing down the greying process and promoting the growth of hair cells. It also reduces hair fall, strengthens hair roots, and improves hair-supporting melanin content. However, calcium pantothenate works to restore the color of hair only when used during the early stages of hair greying. Often calcium pantothenate supplements also contain other hair-supporting vitamins and minerals like biotin, zinc, copper, and selenium. These dietary supplements should be used in conjunction with other dietary measures like maintaining a balanced diet rich in iron, vitamin B12, and protein. Foods like green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, seafood, eggs, and dairy products can contribute to healthier hair.

2. Lipid Abnormalities

  • Beyond its hair benefits, Calcium Pantothenate also aids in addressing hyperlipidemia. It reduces the levels of bad cholesterol like low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) while boosting good cholesterol (high-density lipoproteins or HDL) in the bloodstream.

3. Pantothenic Acid Deficiency

  • Vitamin B5 is an essential vitamin for our body. Inadequate nutrition or malabsorption of this vitamin can lead to a constellation of symptoms. Pantothenic acid deficiency can manifest as extreme fatigue, restlessness, irritability, a burning sensation in the hands and feet, heartburn, nausea, stomach pain, persistent headaches, disrupted sleep patterns, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and vomiting.

  • Calcium pantothenate dietary supplements can help in restoring the levels of vitamin B5 in deficient patients.

Calcium Pantothenate Dose

Just like any other vitamin supplement, with calcium pantothenate, it's vital to follow the prescribed dosage recommended by your healthcare provider. Usually, the drug is given in a dosage of 200 mg tablet daily for 3-6 months. However, the dose and frequency of usage might vary depending on your weight, age, and health condition.

Remember not to crush or chew the tablet; instead, swallow it whole with a glass of water. Excessive intake is not advised, so stick to the recommended dose to maximize benefits.

Calcium Pantothenate Side Effects

Although calcium pantothenate rarely causes any side effects, over-consumption can lead to some adverse events. Common side effects include stomach upset or diarrhea, which typically diminish with continued use. However, if these side effects persist or worsen, consulting your healthcare professional is advisable.

What are Some Other Treatment Options for Greying Hair?

Topical Applications

Topical treatments like prostaglandins (e.g., latanoprost) and liposomal delivery of melanin into hair follicles have shown promise in addressing greying hair.

Oral Drugs

Apart from calcium pantothenate, other oral medications such as Melitane and Palmitoyl tetrapeptide-20 are used to stimulate melanogenesis, potentially restoring hair color.


Is Calcium Pantothenate a Vitamin D?

No, Calcium Pantothenate is not Vitamin D. It is, in fact, Vitamin B5.

Is Calcium Pantothenate Good or Bad for You?

Calcium Pantothenate is generally considered safe when used as directed. However, it's essential to consult your healthcare provider, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking other medications, including herbs and supplements.

What is Calcium Pantothenate Tablet 200 mg used for?

It is used for treating a variety of causes, including nutritional deficiency, hair fall, premature greying of hair, and lipid abnormalities. The standard dose for Calcium Pantothenate may vary, but a common dosage is a 200 mg tablet. Always follow your healthcare provider's recommendations for your specific needs.

In summary, Calcium Pantothenate, also known as Vitamin B5, has a multifaceted role in promoting healthy hair and overall well-being. While it's not a magic elixir for all hair concerns, its potential benefits make it worth considering, especially when guided by a healthcare professional. Remember that any supplement should be approached with caution and under medical supervision for the best results. While calcium pantothenate works wonders for maintaining healthy hair, don't forget the importance of protecting it too! Explore our comprehensive guide on Sunscreen for Hair.

Your hair deserves the best care possible!

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