Jan 1, 2024
Last year was full of immense learning and growth for me. I hope it was the same for you. ✨.
Although my true accomplishments are the success stories of my patients, here are a few professional accomplishments from 2023 that I would like to share with you:
I gave a lecture at the Dubai World Dermatology & Laser Conference & Exhibition.
I was invited as a speaker and awarded a travel grant by the International Society of Atopic Dermatitis to visit the ISAD Conference at Gdańsk, Poland.
I became an editorial board member at the International Journal of Dermatology.
I cleared the UEMS/EAACI exam and was awarded a Certificate of Excellence in Allergology and Clinical Immunology by the European Academy of Allergy & Clinical Immunology (EAACI).
I got quoted and interviewed by numerous international media outlets like the Washington Post and Healthline.
My research paper on COVID-19 vaccine reactions was recognized as being one of the most downloaded during its first 12 months of publication
I hope that 2024 brings similar accolades, if not more.
However, I will begin 2024 with what I hope will provide great value to you.
I would like to invite you to join my WhatsApp channel, where you'll receive updates more frequently. I'll be sharing information on skincare tips and tricks, the latest news in dermatology, and other interesting findings from my daily skincare practice and research.
Feel free to provide constant feedback so I can make the channel as useful for you as I can.
As for this year's skincare resolution for you, I am just going to harp on the same skincare tips I do every year.
Wash your face at least two times a day
Don't take your skin into your own hands. I mean it both literally and figuratively. Avoid touching your face when you can. Don't self-treat; consult a board-certified dermatologist.
Thank you for taking the time to read this email. I genuinely hope that the next year brings you all kinds of personal and professional success. Once again, I wish you a very happy new year :-)